Friday, December 24, 2010

Holiday cheer

Well, it's time to celebrate the Solstice, Yule, Christmas, Sol Invictus, or whatever you choose to call this season. I hope you have a joyous time, whichever way you celebrate. Now as I'm a mischevious little girl, (and Santa has already stopped by here!) I will leave you all with a seasonal quiz. I'll post the answers by the new year. Note: there are a lot of rephrasings. I couldn't come up with/find alternate titles for 100 seasonal songs!

1. 3 squared + 3 yuletide diurnal periods
2. 5 p.m. to 6 a.m. without noise
3. A joyful song of reverence relative to hollow metallic vessels which vibrate and bring forth a ringing sound when struck
5. Admirable royal exemplar of Eastern European origin
6. An emotion excited by the acquisition or expectation of good given to the terrestrial sphere
7. An Event that Arrived on a Cloudless Witching Hour.
8. Ancient benevolent despot
9. Approach everyone who is steadfast.
10. Argentum and Aurum
11. Arrival Time: 2400 hrs – Weather: Cloudless
12. As the guardians of little wooly animals protected their charges in the shadows of the earth.
13. Asian Aristocratic Trio
14. Azure celebration of the natal day of an Israelite child
15. Bantam producer of sharply defined aural stimuli
16. Behold us, a group of off-key singers approaching.
17. Behold! I envisioned a trio of nautical vessels.
18. Blessed Evening
19. Boulder of the tinkling metal spheres.
20. Castaneous coloured seed vesicated in a conflagration.
21. Creator, cool it, you kooky cats!
22. Creature of of crystallized vapor
23. Cup shaped instruments fashioned of a whitish metallic element.
24. Decorate the entry ways.
25. Deity Deactivate Blithe Chevaliers
26. Ditty of nativity
27. Do you perceive the same longtitudinal pressure which stimulates my auditory senses?
28. Dolf of the rose-colored proboscis is aware of the nature of precipitation, darling.
29. Duodecimal Enumeration of the Passage of the Yuletide Season.
30. During the time ovine caretakers supervised their charges past midnight.
31. Embellish the corridors.
32. Expectation of arrival to populated area by mythical masculine perennial gift giver.
33. Exuberation to this orb.
34. Far back in a hay bin.
35. Father Christmas approaches the metropolis.
36. Festoon the entryways with colourful decorations.
37. Frozen precipitation commence.
38. Hallowed post meridian
39. Hard fruit being rendered edible by combustion
40. Hey, Minuscule urban area southeast of Jerusalem.
41. I apprehended my maternal parent osculating with a corpulent unshaven male in crimson disguise.
42. I Shall Return to the House by December twenty-fifth
43. Icy the Figure Made of Winter Precipitation
44. I'm fantasizing concerning a blanched yuletide.
45. In distant location the existence of an improvised unit of newborn children's slumber furniture
46. Jovial ancient caribou driver
47. Kong, Lear, and Cole -- That's Us !
48. Kris Kringle is Going to Visit the Village
49. Leave and do an elevated broadcast.
50. Listen, the winged heavenly messengers are proclaiming tunefully.
51. May the Deity bestow an absence of fatigue to mild male humans.
52. Monarchial triad.
53. Move hitherward the entire assembly of those who are loyal in their belief.
54. Natal celebrations devoid of colour, rather albino, as a hallucinatory phenomenon for me.
55. Nocturnal time span of unbroken quietness.
56. Obese personification fabricated of compressed mounds of minute crystals.
57. Obtain a personally exuberant, minuscule celebration of yuletide
58. Oh small Israeli urban centre.
59. Oh, member of the round table with missing areas.
60. Older female relative who became aerodynamic venison roadkill
61. On the high fastigium survace
62. Our fervent hope is that you thoroughly enjoy your Yuletide season.
63. Parent was observed osculating a red-coated unshaven teamster.
64. perambulating through a December solstice fantasy
65. Pledge to make a domestic December appearance
66. Present me naughty but dual incisors for this festive Yuletide.
67. Punch out the Passages
68. Query Regarding Identity of Descendant
69. Quiescent Nocturnal period.
70. Regal, noble and virtuious male of Bohemian Nobility
71. Removed in a bovine feeding trough.
72. Repeat the Message in an Alpine Setting
73. Seasonal harmonious composition regarding the Tintinnabulation of a poem by Edgar Allan Poe
74. Seraphim and Cherubim we aurally detected in the stratosphere.
75. Sir Lancelot with Laryngitis.
76. Small, Wingless, Bloodsucking Insect that has a Pater in the Armada.
77. Stepping on the pad cover.
78. That exiguous hamlet south of the Holy City.
79. The amicable untamed quadrupeds
80. The Apartment of Two Psychiatrists.
81. The Autocrat troika originating near the ascent of Apollo.
82. The Christmas preceeding all others.
83. The coniferous nativity.
84. The first person nominative plural of far eastern heads of state.
85. The primary carol.
86. The red suited pa is due in this burg.
87. The slight percussionist lad.
88. The smogless bewitching hour has arrived.
89. The tatterdemalion ebony atmosphere.
90. The thing manifests itself at the onset of a transparent day.
91. Tintinnabuli fashioned of Argentum
92. Tocsin chunk of lithic material
93. Tranquility upon the terrestrial sphere.
94. Transportation via snow-enabled carriage
95. Two hundred and eighty-eight Yuletide hours.
96. Uncouth dolt has his beezer in the booze and thinks he is Dark Cloud's boyfriend.
97. Valentino, the roseate proboscises wapiti.
98. Vehicular homicide was committed on Dad's Mom by a precipitous darling.
99. Wanted in December top forward incisors.
100. What offspring abides thus?


  1. 100? Are you nuts, Rrrose? LOL Women and their words - go figure!

    But I did like this part of your sidebar: "Since then she's been published, met and married the love of her life (love you DK!)...."

    Merry Christmas to you and Sensei.

  2. Aww. 'cmon Bobbi! There aren't 100 different carols. I should probably count up exactly how many different songs there are, shouldn't I?
